This series will be all about covering the basics of my knowledge about Adobe Analytics and its implementation using Adobe Launch as well as analysis of data using Analysis Workspace. In this blog post, we cover the introduction to Adobe Launch.
I recently completed an in-depth training session on Adobe Experience Platform (AEP) for a bunch of Developers and Architects from a Consulting organisation. I prefer to term the session as AEP Bootcamp as it was indeed a start to finish session covering a myriad of topics related to Adobe Experience Platform and its applications. I wish to record all my knowledge regarding AEP and create a repository of blog posts that I can refer anytime.
This is a three part series covering the AEP Web SDK implementation and debugging series. AEP Web SDK is a new way of data collection in the Adobe Experience Platform stack. I believe it has great potential to simplify implementations of Adobe Experience Cloud tools. I will try to cover the basics and integration and we will see why should we advocate its use in our digital analytics projects.
Gatekeepers, they are everywhere. A person or a group of individuals who for some reasons have assumed that they know everything. A set of people who zealously guard the corridors of their hallowed hall of knowledge, and use everything possible to dissuade the rest.